Tuesday, January 25, 2011

It's almost February?!?

Well, the holidays are finally over. They were great but they seemed to last forever!

Security work has been growing on me. It took a bit of getting used to but I finally feel normal carrying around a tiny little control screwdriver and a set of strippers that only go up to 18 wire. The security system we've been working on is pretty extensive for a modestly sized building. There are card readers to wire, motion sensors to install, key pads to mount and a 'blue light' system that uses push switches to set off blue strobes in a room to signal that a non-Top Secret cleared person is in the room. There's a switch and a strobe in every room and hall in the secure area. I suggested that we just build a hat with a battery powered blue strobe mounted on top that visitors could wear to save money on the install but nobody seemed to think a helmet with a blinking blue light was a good idea.

And inevitably, as the deadlines get closer, the pressure builds.

Today we were supposed to finish pulling the fiber optic cables out to the poll-mounted cameras in the parking lot. Of course as soon as we started we discovered that the company doing the site grading had crushed all of our PVC. So instead of pulling we ended up digging.

One of the roof mounted cameras had to be reinstalled after the mounting plate started to pull out. Doors that need locks wired were either ordered improperly or sent from the factory with out the correct holes drilled.

And that's just this week. But the challenges are fun and the overtime is appreciated. I'll leave you with a little bit of proof that a break spent stuck on a snowy roof doesn't need to be boring.